Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Back to School: Start with a Data-Driven Instructional Improvement Strategy


Today, I’d like to share with you our "data-driven instructional improvement strategy." It's a way for you to start the school year with a vision of seeing results in student achievement.

What is it? It's a proven way to improve teaching and student achievement -- and you’ll see how we’ve advanced it with LearningFRONT's integrated social and professional learning tools.

Why do it? It’s got a track record of helping schools to meet local, state, and national accountability standards -- both low performing and trailblazing schools.

What’s the payoff? Engaging lessons, higher test scores, and the capacity to answer the question: 
  • What teaching practices in our school lead to improved student learning on specific content standards?

How does it work? It works for schools because they get to personalize the strategy demonstrated here

Want to learn more about LearningFRONT's data-driven instructional improvement strategy and its social and professional learning tools to do it effectively? I invite you to join the LearningFRONT community -- just log in, learn, improve. 

We look forward to personalizing the strategy for your teachers and school. Please contact me if you have questions or want to explore ideas.


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