Monday, July 15, 2019

TaskBuilder: Creating the Tasks of Teaching and Learning

Plan with confidence...
Plan. Sally used TaskBuilder to plan a standards-based lesson and shared it with her team for feedback and improvement.

Teach. She taught the lesson using a station-rotation blended learning strategy, including formative assessments suggested by her team.

Check. Each student completed assessments of practice activities and products aligned with the standards to determine results.

Act. Sally organized her results and reflected on the learning strategies that had the most impact on student performance of the standards.

Collaborate. Sally posted her lesson with results and reflections for her instructional team to consider, adapt, or adopt in their teaching.

So, what's unique about that? TaskBuilder has a track record for improving learning in low-performing and trailblazing schools. Learn how Sally used TaskBuilder to easily access content standards, research-based strategies, and assessment tools to improve her students' learning and to share results with her learning community.

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