Dear LearningFront Colleagues:
Steelton-Highspire High School! I just finished three days of one-to-one and small group coaching with teachers at Steelton-Highspire High School in Steelton, PA near the capital city of Harrisburg!
The teachers are engaged in a school-based instructional improvement strategy targeted at increasing student performance on the PSSA reading, mathematics, writing, and science assessments. Most of the teachers are using LearningFront and TaskBuilderOnline to plan, teach, score, and analyze the results of monthly data-driven lessons. One of the key parts of the process is the identification of best practices from the results of the lessons. The best practices are shared with all teachers in the school district through shared folders on the district server and as WikiTasks in LearningFront.
Next time you login to LearningFront, check out the WikiTasks from Steelton-Highspire High School.
Nick Hobar
President, LearningFront
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